Fair Camping
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Fair Camping

Fair Camping- SOLD OUT

Length Restrictions

  • Campers in the North Campground are strictly limited to 30 ft. or less.
  • Campers in the Pavilion Campground are limited to 35 ft. or less
  • Campers larger than that will be required to move to the East Campground.


If you pay for and reserve a campsite and it goes unused during the Fair you will not be grandfathered in for the following year.

General Rules

  • Campers over 30 ft are no longer permitted to camp in the North Campground and MUST camp in the East or Pavilion Campground. Campers over 35 ft are no longer permitted to camp in the Pavilion Campground. Your reservation will be canceled and payment refunded should we find that your camper exceeds the limit.
  • Each camper may only purchase one campsite per person.
  • Each campsite comes with 4 season passes. These wristbands are valid for the whole week of the Fair. (These passes are valid for children, adults, and exhibitors)
  • If there are more than 4 people staying at your campsite a pass must be purchased for each additional person. Campers must have entrance passes for anyone over the age of 7 staying with them at their campsite.
  • We require all camping trailers to have at least one authorized adult staying in the trailer every night. If there are any complaints at a site with no adult present, those campers will be asked to leave and will lose their space for the following year.
  • Once all available campsites are reserved the fairgrounds staff will form a waiting list on a first come first serve basis. Should anyone release their reserved/ paid for campsite prior to the Fair the available campsite will go to the first person on the waiting list.
  • No refunds are given to campers who cancel their reservation.
  • If you pay for and reserve a campsite and it goes unused during the Fair you will not be grandfathered in for the following year.
  • If there are open and unattended campsites after camper check-in has concluded those campsites ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR RESALE under any circumstances.

Camper Check- In:

Monday, August 5th through Saturday, August 10th, 2024 from 8 AM to 5 PM daily. ID will be required at check-in.

Campers in the North Campground are strictly limited to 30 ft. or less. Campers larger than that will be required to move to the East Campground. Any camper over 25 feet in length choosing to camp in the North Campground must check in on Monday, August 5th, 2024, no exceptions.

Campers in the Pavilion Campground are strictly limited to 35 ft. or less.

No refunds will be given if you arrive after the check-in date and cannot fit in your reserved campsite.

Campers will enter through the Gold Gate to pick up their Camper Packet which will include their camping pass, 4 season passes.

Check-In Exception Request:

The Fair Camping Exception Request form is to be used if you are asking for an exception to bring in your camper, trailer, or motorhome prior to or later than the required dates allowed by the Grant County Fairgrounds (8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Saturday, August 5th – 10th, 2024).

Your camper, trailer or motorhome cannot be brought in any later than 5:00 PM on August 11th, 2024 with this exception.

Approval will be made on a case by case basis by the Fairgrounds Director and all decisions are final.

If your exception request is approved you must make arrangments with the Fair Office to pick up your Camper Packet during regular office hours.

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